Power system expert delivers lecture in UPLB
Red Alert. Yellow alert. These are terms we often hear during the dry season amidst the sweltering heat. But what are these terms, exactly?
This is what Prof. Rowaldo “Wali” D. del Mundo answered in his lecture entitled “Engineering and Economics of Power System Reliability ” delivered at the CEAT Lecture Hall last 22 April 2024.
Professor del Mundo is an Associate Professor at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute and the Associate Dean for Public Engagement at the College of Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman. Prof. Wali, as he is fondly called, is a recognized expert in power system reliability in the Philippines. He is often invited as a resource speaker during Congress hearings on power system-related issues.
The reliability aspect of the power system is often not discussed as it is an advanced field. Professor del Mundo noted that the lecture will make engineers understand the economics and economists understand the engineering aspect. He introduced by differentiating power system adequacy and security. Then he goes on to a brief rundown on the standards and the current practice of measuring power system reliability in the Philippines. Professor del Mundo made an example out of the recent power shortage experienced by the country. Furthermore, he emphasized that reliability should be measured, indices should be computed, and must be within the standard – so that there will be less power interruptions.
In conclusion, Professor del Mundo summed up by saying that the Philippine power system is expensive and unreliable. He further emphasized the role of the University of the Philippines, particularly electrical engineers and economists, to solve and help the country solve the power crisis.
Attendees of the lecture were faculty members and students of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Economics. Asst. Prof. Roderick L. Catriz, Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering gave the welcoming remarks. Asst. Prof. Catriz, together with Dr. Gideon P. Carnaje of the Department of Economics, presented the certificate of recognition to Professor del Mundo. | Edward Joseph H. Maguindayao, 24 April 2024