Contact Information

For general queries and concerns, you may reach us through:

  ☎️ 536-7089
  🏢 EE 305, 3/F Dante B. de Padua Hall, Pili Drive, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Batong Malake, Los Baños,                Laguna, Philippines 4031
  ✉️ [email protected]

For specific matters, kindly refer to the following contact information:

Completion, Grades, and Clearance [email protected]
Instrumentation Section [email protected]
Curricular Implementation and Instruction [email protected]
Student Industry Immersion [email protected]
Registration [email protected]
Internal and Alumni Affairs [email protected]
Documentation, Records and Publicity [email protected]
Innovative Research Development [email protected]
Scholarships and Grants [email protected]

Location Map